This is the latest OSDL's version, and it is still work on progress. Several features are however already available and toroughfully tested.
The big leap forward has been for OSDL to use now the autotools, and to be integrated with Ceylan 0.5 (which itself adopted them).
Significant work has been performed to robustify the OSDL scheduler, which now is both efficient and enduring.
For the moment, OSDL 0.5 is thoroughly tested only on GNU/Linux hosts [More infos]. This OSDL version uses the Ceylan 0.5 version.
To access to far more informations, one may go directly at the root of the OSDL website. It would as well enable the CSS support, and correct some URL offset resulting in pages being not found.
If you have informations more detailed or more recent than those presented in this document, if you noticed errors, neglects or points insufficiently discussed, drop us a line!